
  1. stupid male

  2. idiot male

  3. fool male

  1. stupid female

  2. idiot female

  3. fool female

  1. foolishness

  2. unnecessary stubbornness

  1. there

  1. times

  1. to show

  2. to tell

  3. to expose

  1. pea

  1. to cause to save

  2. to cause to read, learn, study

  1. to be saved

  2. to escape from some danger

  1. to save

  2. to cause to read, learn, study

  1. to become

  2. to accomplish something

  1. to cause some 3rd person thing to worsen by someone

  1. to get worsened

  1. to cause something to worsen

  1. to grow

  2. to increase

  1. to break (usually coconut)

  1. talk; conversation

  2. cotton bud which is lit in diya (lamp)

  3. a disease which causes joint-pain

  1. to distribute

  2. to share

  1. monkey

  2. stupid person

  3. mischievous person

  1. female monkey

  2. stupid female person

  3. mischievous female person

  1. camel

  1. to act lazily

  2. to procastinate

  1. mouse

  2. rat

  3. sneaky person

  1. to pour some liquid

  2. to waste water or some liquid by spending or using it too much

  1. to incite

  2. to enflame

  1. to grow

  2. to sprout

  1. to open

  1. to grow something (e.g. crops)

  2. to plant seed

  1. to fly

  2. to soar high

  1. to fly something

  2. to spend money lavishly

  1. standing; upright

  2. vertical

  3. straight; erect

  1. to make someone tired

  2. to annoy someone to the extent he/she becomes fed up

  1. your

  2. yours

  1. to get tired

  2. to be exhausted

  3. to be fed up

  1. to ogle; to stare

  2. to wait paitently

  1. to ogle

  2. to stare; to gaze

  1. of (masculine gender)

  1. of (feminine gender)

  2. anger and rage

  1. A traditional food preparation made from Curd and Maize.

  1. to sleep; to rest

  1. to drink

  2. to consume alcohol

  1. instrument

  2. to achieve

  3. to offer to drink

  1. to fart

  1. this

  2. here it is (referring to something kept nearby)

  1. person

  2. man

  3. human being

  1. insect (big ant)

  1. female insect (big ant)

  1. house

  2. home

  3. flat; apartment

  1. to take away

  2. to deliver

  1. to cause someone to apply

  2. to cause someone to appoint

  1. to apply

  2. to cause hurt to someone

  1. to shout

  2. to scold

  1. food & meal

  2. to eat

  3. to accept bribe